
Share Your Story!

How do you nurture your most important friendships? When was the last time you helped someone get through tough times and what did you do for them? What was the nicest thing someone gave you or made for you for a birthday present? What have your parents or grandparents passed on to you (recipes/heirlooms/rituals) that you cherish? When do you feel closest to a loved one who you has died? Do you have a story about forgiveness? Or any stories! We love stories!

Like Magic is on a mission to find and share emotional stories that show how people connect to their children, to their parents, to their grandparents, to their histories, to their communities, to something spiritual and mysterious that make them feel something a little deeper than what they feel when they’re scrolling through their Twitter feeds. We aren’t in search of just ideas either, we want stories. We want to know how people celebrate the big occasions and -- more importantly -- the little ones.

Share your idea with us HERE. (P.S. We LOVE photos!)